Our camp programmes are designed to keep your children active with an educative and inspiring curiculum spanning from the various fine arts to enlightening subjects on fun facts, historical relevance to our present and much more.
The 2017 spring camp was a rollercoaster of excitement and learning, taking our kids through a fun-filled spring of learning various instruments like: keyboard, piano, guitar, drums; arts and crafts; educational topics from how gummy bears are made, to the various car models and even teaching about various countries and how to speak common phrases in their respective languages. Our journey with them ended with a trip to the park that captured the excitement of spring break and the regrettable yet memorable end to our journey together.
We look forward to meeting our 2017 Summer Camp batch of young, eager learners, to take along for a whole new adventure of fun and learning. Summer Camps will be held during the July-August holidays.